tak susah dalam mencari wasilah ke jalan-Nya, in shaa Allah.

Sunday, September 8, 2013


what I am going to type about is my new life in this new college from the same university since foundation. having chemical engineering course for woman and need four years to graduate. okay that is the intro.

the intro seems doesn't relate to the main post for this time :/

many things happen during this whole one week of the orientation. both bad and good memories keep in my mind. the worse I do keep think positive and never give to stay move on and awake. 

the best thing will be the best part. I need to STAY FOCUS no matter what's happening next cause I don't want to break my family's hope on me. it's giving me a big responsibility to be carried out with full spirit. 

the main part is not forgetting our Creature, no matter how lost we are, still need to get back to Allah because Allah is the only one who always understand me and us. the circumstances is the way Allah wants us to go back to the way it should be. 

Alhamdulillah, my own family do always support me,:')
every challenge has their own reward that really meant to us. May Allah ease everything and keep me stronger and stronger ! 

Thursday, April 4, 2013

eager to do !

assalamualaikum :)

harini nak bercerita pasal hobi. selalu orang kalau hobi keluar hangout, movie, tv, mp3/mp4 playlist, novel atau pun tidur ! 

tapi kan......... hobi aku atau pun sebenarnya bukan nak kata hobi tapi minat dan benda yang aku suka sangat nak buat tak kira masa lapang atau pun sempit ! :O sangat hyperbola, 

adalah ........... main piano ! :D

hmmm, tapi nak kata senang tu sangat mustahil, sebab nak kena guna kiri dan kanan tangan dalam masa yang serentak ! oh sungguh mencabar keupayaan minda mengawal tangan agar berfungsi dalam keadaan berbeza dalam menghasilkan melodi yang awesome~ 

tapi macam orang zaman dulu selalu cakap, nak seribu daya, tak nak seribu dalih. 

even it's really hard for me as I can't play it nicely but I will try, yes now I am in foundation and at the early of May, my foundation is done ! so, I guess I can continue my piano lessons with my beloved teacher, Ms Simple , and why I call her as Ms Simple ? because she teaches me how to make it simple of playing the song. 

gaya cerita macam dah lama je berkecimpung dalam dunia piano bagai ni, sebenarnya baru start masa lepas SPM *2011* , :(

but as we all know, learning is not depends on the age of people but it depends on the spirit and yes I eager to learn it more. 

walaupun minat ni tak sama dengan course dan apa yang bakal aku jadi nanti, tapi takpe lah, huhhu

back to the road , Assalamualaikum :)

Sunday, March 31, 2013


ALHAMDULILLAH, aku sayangkan keluarga ini, semoga kekal hingga ke syurga dan selama-lamanya, syukran ya rabb. Semuanya kehendakMu ya rabb, kekalkan kebahagiaan yang kurasakan sekarang hingga selamanya, may Allah always bless the whole family, inshaa Allah , amin