tak susah dalam mencari wasilah ke jalan-Nya, in shaa Allah.

Friday, October 29, 2010


err...exam!! a word that makes me FRUSTRATED!! thanked Allah I hv finished it...ahahaha!!! and now...just waiting fer the results...err....and another word fer me...WARGHH!!! I'm afraid to get the results...maybe it'll be a bad or somethin' good fer me...ya! think POSITIVE! that's what my BFF said to me, ZUERA...ahahaha... but I know that........ I need to work hard fer it... just to be the best fer my mom... it's fer me... but I'll do anything just to make my mom happy and proud of me..ANYTHING!!! just fer my MOTHER...I'm serious....maybe it takes a long journey.. but I'll do it!!

I'll use all my efforts to get what I want.... FRUSTRATED???? not fer long... just until I become a GYNAECOLOGIST...fuh! my dream in life...need to go fer it!!! WORK HARDER THAN BEFORE!!! 10A+ in SPM 2011..amin... SUCCESS in life...

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